I have come to pieces/, much like how I have come before.
This time/ however/, the pieces lie asunder,/ in proportionate disarray.
I look at them /much like how I have looked at them before. /In yearning, /in longing, /in shining expectation that there will be another lesson learned,/ that I will find a new point to start the challenge /and a new climax to end it with.
Where in the past I looked at this,/ this puzzle /in comfort,/ with confidence that I'll be able to put it back together. /Now I look at it in gnawing silence and utter confusion.
The grooves and notches don't seem to fit anymore.
Where there were curves and matching socket pieces,/ now are angles /and blunt intrusions
I realize now /that this is not the same game I was playing.// I am stunned. /Terrified.
At last,/ a puzzle I love but could not finish. /I may never solve this no matter how I twist and turn. /No matter how I try to see it in different angles.
Am I missing that one crucial piece? /Are there still pieces left unturned?/
Or maybe/... I am just not the right person /to put it all back to how it was before.
I see myself much like how I have seen myself a long time ago.
And I will give anything to see something better.